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BACF’s Grant: Empowering Home of the Sparrow’s Client Enrichment Program

Our sincerest thanks to the Barrington Area Community Foundation for their grant contribution to Home of the Sparrow! The grant from BACF supports HOS’s Client Enrichment Program. The program strives to offer accessible activities for HOS’s Transitional Shelter clients. It includes subsidizing child care, sponsoring children’s day camps and extracurricular activities, providing on-site haircuts, and arranging social outings such as holiday parties and visits to bowling alleys, museums, or the zoo. These activities aid families in concentrating on fundamental needs like job search, employment, and housing while providing bonding experiences for the families. HOS is committed to utilizing these funds to bolster local organizations and businesses in the Barrington Area, furthering the objectives of the Client Enrichment program.

Another component of HOS’s Client Enrichment Program recognizes the impact of the physical environment on mood and behavior. Through “Trauma-Informed Design,” the HOS’s Transitional Shelter ensures a supportive atmosphere to prevent re-traumatization. This includes transitioning to warm lighting, using natural materials and calming artwork, integrating plants, and creating respite spaces with sensory materials for clients. These changes make the Shelter feel like a comforting home, reducing stigma. Thank you again to the BACF!


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