Holiday Giving Program
Gift of Hope
Monetary Donations
Our greatest need this year is the Gift of Hope, a financial contribution that can transform the life of a mother or child forever.
Please visit HOSparrow.org/DONATE to leave your Gift of Hope donation, and help change the lives of homeless women and children in our community.
If you prefer, checks can be made out to Home of the Sparrow and mailed to:
1991 Duncan Place, Woodstock, IL 60098
Gift of Opportunity
Donations for Our Clients
Donate items from our Shelter Needs Wish List! Provide women & children experiencing homelessness with basic needs as they move into our shelter or other affordable housing programs.
Donations can be dropped off at our HQ location below by 12/30/24.
1991 Duncan Place, Woodstock, IL 60098
Shop Our Wish List
Click Here to shop conveniently on Amazon for our shelter needs!
Print Our Wish List
Download, Print and share the wish list.
(PDF Format)
While we deeply appreciate all donations, due to limited storage space, we kindly ask that you focus on the items listed as they meet our most urgent needs. Thank you for your generosity and understanding!
Gift of Support
Our Adopt-a-Family Program
Adopt-a-Family enrolled in one of our programs!
We will match you with the perfect family for you to provide requested gifts, gift cards, stocking stuffer supplies, and self care products.
Apply to Adopt-a-Family by 11/22/24
Contact LDalypost@HOSparrow.org
or Call 815-271-5444 x262

Giving Tree Program
Home of the Sparrow’s Sparrow’s Nest Thrift Stores, Community Threads, and local businesses will have Holiday Giving Trees set up through December.
The trees will have paper ornaments with items from our Shelter Needs Wish List. By visiting the businesses with Holiday Giving Trees, you may select a tag, purchase the item on the tag, and then return it (unwrapped) to the tree from which you selected the tag.
Giving Tree Locations:
Sparrow’s Nest Cary Community Threads Arlington Heights Sparrow’s Nest McHenry Sparrow’s Nest Mundelein |
Sparrow’s Nest Palatine Sparrow’s Nest Third Lake Sparrow’s Nest Woodstock |
Ziegler’s Ace Hardware Crystal Lake Well-Rooted Pediatrics-CL Functional Medicine by Well-Rooted-CL Crystal Lake Public Library – AAUW Our Lady of the Lakes Parish (Formerly St. Bede School), St. Peter Church-Ingleside Village of Lake in the Hills-Village Hall Valerie’s Salon, Spa and Boutique-McHenry Pure Barre South Barrington Roscoe Woodstock Antique Mall Woodstock Public Library Crystal Lake Brewing |
The Clothes Gallery Fox River Grove Public Library Orchard Church-McHenry Chick-Fil-A Crystal Lake Chick-Fil-A Algonquin Ridgefield Crystal Lake Presbyterian Church Kishwaukee Brewing Company Christ Community Church Anime and Things, Woodstock Westlake Subdivision, Cary Marengo Community MS -Student Council |
The due date to purchase and turn in the items from the tags is December 30th, 2024
Items may also be dropped off at our HQ building at 1991 Duncan Place, Woodstock IL
For More Information:
Contact LDalypost@HOSparrow.org
or Call 815-271-5444 x262
Our Location
1991 Duncan Place
Woodstock, IL 60098
Call Us
ph: (815) 271-5444
fax: (815) 271-5406
Connect Online
Click Here to Send Us an Email!
Home of the Sparrow opened its doors as a registered 501(c)3 non-profit homeless shelter in 1987. Today, HOS offers more than shelter services. Programs include a 3-unit Transitional Apartment Program, a Rapid Rehousing Program, Tenant-Based Rental Assistance, 25 units of Affordable Housing, and six Sparrows’ Nest Thrift Stores and Donation Centers and one Community Threads Upscale Resale Store.