Affordable Housing Program
HOS Affordable Housing Program serves individuals whose income is between 30%-50% of the Area Median Income for Mchenry County. Click here to view the income qualifications for your household size. (The 30% Area Median Income is the middle row titled, “Very Low Income Limits.) The program offers hope for families exiting HOS shelter services and the subsidized apartment program while they still struggle with modest income levels. Families in the HOS affordable housing units are eligible for continued case management and counseling services. A resident’s rent is determined by housing unit size and income; Reasonable rents allow the families to manage their monthly budgets while getting to experience a new sense of self-reliance.
HOS owns and maintains a total of 25 properties scattered across McHenry County, mix of 1, 2 & 3 bedroom units. Total bed capacity amongst all of the units is 60 persons.
Criteria for Program
- Moms or Single women who are currently homeless, formerly homeless, or low income.
- Consistent income from employment, child support, SSI, and/or SSDI
- Income requirements based on family size and unit size.
- Rental history/credit history checked, but not necessarily a disqualifier for poor rental or credit history
- Criminal history will be evaluated on an individual basis
- Agreeable to case management support
- All clients should have an income that is 50% or less of the Area Median Income.
- All clients should have minimum income of 30% of the Area Median Income.
- Section 8 Housing Vouchers can be accepted for these properties.
Range of Services
- Rent is based on 30% of monthly income.
- Case management services offered that include assistance with community resources, budgeting, parenting, health, employment and education.
If you would like to apply:
Send completed applications via email to
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