Rapid Rehousing Program
Home of the Sparrow is able to assist families who have employment but have experienced a life-event that has put them into financial jeopardy. These families are ready to bypass the transitional shelter services and, with assistance, enter directly into housing. Rental assistance provides the client with financial resources to enter new housing, such as first and last month’s rent, and/or security deposits.
Home of the Sparrow’s supportive case management services are provided for six to nine months after the client enters housing to help with maintaining stability. Aftercare services are also provided as needed. The goal of this program is to rehouse families and individuals into permanent housing within 30 days of their program entry and to maintain the permanent housing at both a six month and twelve-month check-in.
Criteria for Program
- Imminently or literally homeless women age 18 or older (singles or mothers with children)
- Current McHenry County resident and desire housing in McHenry County
- Have a reliable and verifiable monthly income from employment, child support, SSI and/or SSDI totaling at least $1,500 a month; or if unemployed, must have strong potential for employment within 30-60 days.
- Income requirements may vary based on family size
- Participants must agree to meet with a case manager two to three times per month, the primary focus of which will be budgeting and financial management in order to keep the participant on track with monthly lease payments.
Range of Services
- Once accepted into the program, assistance finding community rental housing is offered.
- Short-term financial assistance that may include payment of security deposit, first month’s rent.
- Case management services offered that include assistance with community resources, budgeting, parenting, health, employment and education.
Are You in Need of Assistance from Home of the Sparrow?