Subsidized Apartment Program
Most families coming into the HOS Short-Term Transitional Shelter Program are able to move directly into permanent housing within approximately 4.5 months. However, some families are ready to move into a more independent lifestyle but need extra time to build resources and skills prior to moving into housing within the community. SAP provides that vital bridge between shelter services and independent living.
SAP participants generally stay in one of the agency’s three apartment units up to a year, receiving all the same services offered in the subsidized shelter program. While in the program, clients continue to pay off utility arrears or repair credit history in order to become eligible for signing a rental contract for housing.
Criteria for Program
- Clients must have reliable income to support rent and utilities.
- Women who no longer need the shelter environment, but would benefit from additional support and time to prepare for independence in the community.
- Current member of Home of the Sparrow Transitional Shelter Program.
Range of Services
- Case management services offered that include assistance with housing, community resources, budgeting, parenting, health, employment and education.
- Program length of stay one year or less. Women and families continue to benefit from Case Management and Therapy services.
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